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Vice Chair

Founder & Managing Director of Edukatus Ltd; CMO at Tomato Education International

Danlu is a UK based social media strategist and business development specialist. With almost 20 years’ experience of international education, she has worked successfully with a diverse portfolio of UK schools, colleges and universities in a wide range of markets including China, South East Asia, South Asia and Middle East. From her beginnings as education correspondent for China state television, she has built her reputation as an enabler by partnering institutions and pioneering digital projects to unlock markets.

刘丹路,Edukatus 创始人;番茄国际教育CMO 首席营销官。拥有近20年的国际教育行业从业经验,拥有对国际教育市场及英国教育领域深刻的认知和理解。丹路女士曾任职于中国辽宁电视台教育专栏记者及多所英国学院与大学负责中国,东南亚,南亚及中东地区的国际项目拓展。丹路女士在教育机构国际业务发展,战略合作伙伴拓展,市场研究和教育领域数据分析方面拥有独特视角与专业知识。

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