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BUCA Annual Conference 2020

28 April 2020

Due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19, we organised our annual conference digitally. There were 25 members attending to the conference. We welcomed new members and reviewed last year’s activities and achievement also completed a video filming for digital campaign #WeAreTogether#BUCA in supporting the UK higher education sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. The guest speakers from the company shared their market insights about online English test under the pandemic.

We look forward to seeing you all in the brighter post Covid-19 environment, when we could share experiences and being together face to face in a safe environment in the UK or China. We will continue working with our members and partners to look at how we can add more value to the conference. If you are interested in our future events, please liaise with us here.

Professional Networking

职场交际 Date: 21/08/2020   Friday Time: China: 18-19  UK: 11-12 Host: Pervin Shaikh (Co-Founder at Elite Career Direction) 职场交流在工作中尤为重要,它既可以让你在工作中与各部门同事保持良好的关系并等到大力的支持,还能为你的晋升之路相应助力,职场中沟通的语言方式与日常交流中的大为不同,今天让我来听一听给专业人士告诉我们职场交流的一些小技巧。

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Entrepreneurship experience sharing

分享IO离职后的创业之路 Date: 24/07/2020  Thursday Time: China: 20.30-21.30  UK: 13.30-14.30 Host: 米婧 (曾就职于莱斯特大学和利兹大学国际办公室, 现任 UK Education Insight 董事总经理) Michelle Jing Mi (Managing Director of UEI, Once worked at University of Leicester and University of Leeds International Office) 越来越多的小伙伴选择自主创业,今天我们来听一听Michelle来分享她的创业历程已经如何最大限度的将自己在高校中积攒下来的经验及资源运用到创业中。

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Talking about the career development of International Officer

浅谈IO的职业发展 Date: 17/07/2020  Friday Time: China: 20-21  UK: 13-14 Host: 徐薇薇 (曾任布鲁奈尔大学和伍斯特大学国际办公室主任) Weiwei Xu (Former Director of the International Office of Brunel University and the University of Worcester) 当我们在一个行业中做了一段时间后经常会发现在你的职业发展中遇到的一些瓶颈,如何突破这些瓶颈,如何对自己的职业发展做一个有步骤的规划呢?我们请来了业界资深的前辈分享她的晋升过程。

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Operational “Key Points” in Live Broadcast

直播中的运营“关键点” Date: 29/06/2020  Monday Time: China: 20-21  UK: 13-14 Host: 张昊(中央广播电台音频客户端云听内容营运总监) Hao Zhang (Operation Director of Cloud Listening Content for Audio Client of China Central Radio) 各位小伙伴都开始变成了线上主播,如何在直播中找到关键点?如何让学生,家长,升学指导老师,中介顾问在你的直播中获取大量的知识点呢?我们请来用声音传递信息和知识的中央广播电台的运营总监来谈一谈如何用声音技巧打动听众。

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On the Ideas and Direction of New Media Operation in British Universities

浅谈英国大学新媒体运营的思路和方向 Date: 19/06/2020  Friday Time: China: 17-18  UK: 10-11 Host: 汪卫卫(【留学界】创始人,留学行业微信公众运营KOL) Weiwei Wang ([Study Abroad] Founder, WeChat public operating KOL in the overseas study industry) 微博,微信,抖音已经成了各大学做宣传的主要媒体。 BUCA请来了留学行业微信公众运营的KOL来分享一下他的运营手段和技巧。

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Beauty tips in front of the webcast/video camera

网络直播/录像镜头前的美妆技巧 Date: 09/06/2020  Tuesday Time: China: 18-19  UK: 11-12 Host: 彭嘉莹 (英国诺丁汉特伦特大学, 曾专业学习化妆并参与影视剧组化妆工作) Scarlett Peng (Nottingham Trent University) 越来越多的线上活动让各大学的小伙伴开始积极的活跃在镜头前。如何在镜头下展现最专业最美丽的自己呢?过硬的专业知识必不可少,但是形象人设也是极为重要的。我们圈内的小伙伴都身怀绝技,今天我们请来了曾经专业学习化妆并参与多部影视剧组化妆工作的Scarlett来教我们如何在镜头前变美。

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Psychological adjustment under the epidemic

疫情下的心理调适 Date: 01/06/2020  Monday Time: China: 16.30-17.30  UK: 9.30-10.30 Host: Dr. Xiaoyun Ma (Doctor of Psychology, member of the American AGPA Association of Group Counselors, founder of I Psychology Studio) 马晓芸博士(心理学博士,美国AGPA 团体咨询师协会成员, I心理工作室创始人) 为了让在家工作的小伙伴心情愉悦,身体健康。我们请来了心理咨询师为大家深度分析在疫情下如何找到快乐的源泉。

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In the 5G era, how does a British University create its own short video

5G时代,英国院校如何打造自己的短视频 Date: 29/05/2020  Friday Time: China: 17-18  UK: 10-11 Host: 李永涛(番茄国际教育CEO) Tony Li (Tomato Education CEO) 我们已经开始迈向5G时代,短视频也在各大学的媒体软件中逐步兴起,如何打造适合自己学校,符合大学气质的短视频呢?希望我们可以在今天的讲座中找到答案。

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Be the vogue in the era of new media

媒体新时代英国院校如何打造自己的“爆款” Date: 22/05/2020  Friday Time: China: 17-18  UK: 10-11 Host: 莫卫健(电商数据爆款打造第一人“爆款哥”) Weijian Mo (use big data to market products -- Market influencer) 随着疫情的蔓延,我们的基本活动都转成了线上,如何在这种媒体新时代中打造属于自己的爆款,引发更大的关注度呢?我们来看看爆款哥怎么说。

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