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BUCA Annual Conference 2020

28 April 2020

Due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19, we organised our annual conference digitally. There were 25 members attending to the conference. We welcomed new members and reviewed last year’s activities and achievement also completed a video filming for digital campaign #WeAreTogether#BUCA in supporting the UK higher education sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. The guest speakers from the company shared their market insights about online English test under the pandemic.

We look forward to seeing you all in the brighter post Covid-19 environment, when we could share experiences and being together face to face in a safe environment in the UK or China. We will continue working with our members and partners to look at how we can add more value to the conference. If you are interested in our future events, please liaise with us here.

BUCA Annual Conference 2023

Location: City University of London Date: 07/07/2023 Registration link: HE staff members from your institution with a remit covering China recruitment and partnerships are invited to the in-person, BUCA annual conference on the 7th July, the provisional programmes include: British Council…

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Coaching & Mentoring

职业辅导与指导 Date: 05/02/2021  Friday Time: China: 16-17  UK: 09-10 Host: 徐薇薇 (曾任布鲁奈尔大学和伍斯特大学国际办公室主任) Weiwei Xu (Former Director of the International Office of Brunel University and the University of Worcester) 李敏(ICF 国际教练联盟 及 ACSTH认证教练) Min Li (ICF &ACSTH) BUCA 邀请业界前辈以及她的工作伙伴为大家带来一场关于Coaching&Mentoring的介绍,包括她们在工作和生活中可以帮助解决的典型问题,什么人群会受益于Coaching&Mentoring等内容。讲座也会列举一些教育及其他行业的案例,并回答大家关心的问题。

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Ad Platform Introduction on Bilibili – Chinese Viseo Sharing Website

聚焦年轻文化,Bilibili平台与广告位介绍 Date: 27/01/2021  Wednesday Time: China: 17-18  UK: 10-11 Host: Sophia (Account Manager, PingPong Digital) Bilibili作为中国年轻人聚集的视频文化社区,根植年轻用户需求,提供多样化产品及服务。英国高校数字营销领域的领导者PingPong Digital将在今天为你带来: Z世代聚集地——B站平台综合介绍; B站用户群体及适用于英国高校的广告位分布; 知识问答及幸运抽奖环节,精美礼品等着你~ 行业深度解析不容错过

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How to stand out in an interview

如何在工作面试中脱颖而出 Date: 05/01/2021  Tuesday Time: China: 16.30-17.30  UK: 09.30-10.30 Host: Katherine Pei (Regional Manager, City, University of London) Tracy Li (Associate Director, China Operations, University of Leicester) 很多人在面试中不知道如何吸引面试官的注意,不了解面试前都应该准备些什么,我们将会以一个轻松的论坛的形式谈谈如何在面试中脱颖而出。

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Introduction and Case Studies on Bytedance

字节跳动平台介绍及优秀高校广告案例分享 Date: 03/12/2020  Thursday Time: China: 17-18  UK: 10-11 Host: Chewei Chang (Client Partnership, Bytedance) 拥有今日头条、抖音、Tiktok等三大主流互联网平台的字节跳动将携手英国高校数字营销领域的领导者PingPong Digital,在12月3日为你带来: 字节跳动平台介绍 字节跳动旗下平台的广告产品介绍 高校优秀头条、抖音广告案例分享 Q&A答疑时间 行业深度解析不容错过

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The relationship between agent and university and how to achieve balance

中介与大学之间的关系及如何达到双方平衡 Date: 26/11/2020  Thursday Time: China: 16-17  UK: 09-10 Host: Naomi Yang (Director of Supply Chain Department, 51 Offer) 很多时候我们希望与留学中介紧密的合作,但是如何保持与中介的关系,如何开展与中介的深度合作,中介希望校方提供什么样的支持?带着这样的问题我们邀请了中介方的代表,让我们来听一听他们眼中的深度合作。

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Job research in the Industry

业内求职 Date: 04/09/2020  Friday Time: China: 17-18  UK: 10-11 Host: Hadil EI-Agami (International Education Recruitment expert, The pie exec Search) 应大家要求我们联系到了The PIE Exec Search (The PIE News的姐妹部门),他们将会派出Hadil EI-Agami (International Education Recruitment expert, The pie exec Search)为BUCA会员带来一场关于业内求职的讲座

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Under the epidemic, how British universities “capture people’s hearts” through social media

疫情之下,英国高校如何通过社交媒体“俘获人心” Date: 27/08/2020  Thursday Time: China: 17-18  UK: 10-11 Host: River Huang (Director, PingPong Digital) 2020年的全球疫情,彻底打乱了英国高校的招生节奏。如何在这一特殊情境下通过社交媒体锻造影响力,一如既往地掳获人心?英国高校数字营销领域的领导者PingPong Digital将在今天为你带来: 2020上半年英国高校微信影响力排名重磅公布; 微博、微信、百度、抖音、头条、知乎等各大付费媒体广告平台介绍、案例展示及广告表现分析; 行业相关有奖问答环节,赢取Jo Malone 、Molton Brown、L'Occitane等大牌精美礼品。 行业深度解析不容错过

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