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BUCA Annual Conference 2023

Location: City University of London

Date: 07/07/2023

Registration link:

HE staff members from your institution with a remit covering China recruitment and partnerships are invited to the in-person, BUCA annual conference on the 7th July, the provisional programmes include:

  • British Council – China updates
  • Building Influence
  • UCAS Journey to a Million and implication on China Recruitment*
  • Chinese Social Media*
  • CPD session – Leading with Emotional Intelligence
  • Networking opportunities*
  • BUCA Annual plan 23/24*
  • and more

* sessions open to members and non-members

Please register your place by clicking the link below or scan the QR code

Registration deadline: 18th June 2023

Cost: Members – free of charge, non-members £100.00 (13:30-18:00 only)

Optional networking dinner with delegates


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